chk - Check User-Supplied Function Arguments
For developers to check user-supplied function arguments. It is designed to be simple, fast and customizable. Error messages follow the tidyverse style guide.
Last updated 2 days ago
11.54 score 48 stars 93 dependents 21 scripts 16k downloadsfledge - Smoother Change Tracking and Versioning for R Packages
Streamlines the process of updating changelogs ( and versioning R packages developed in git repositories.
Last updated 10 days ago
8.84 score 188 stars 10 scripts 196 downloadsextras - Helper Functions for Bayesian Analyses
Functions to 'numericise' 'R' objects (coerce to numeric objects), summarise 'MCMC' (Monte Carlo Markov Chain) samples and calculate deviance residuals as well as 'R' translations of some 'BUGS' (Bayesian Using Gibbs Sampling), 'JAGS' (Just Another Gibbs Sampler), 'STAN' and 'TMB' (Template Model Builder) functions.
Last updated 3 months ago
8.49 score 9 stars 16 dependents 17 scripts 548 downloadsssdtools - Species Sensitivity Distributions
Species sensitivity distributions are cumulative probability distributions which are fitted to toxicity concentrations for different species as described by Posthuma et al.(2001) <isbn:9781566705783>. The ssdtools package uses Maximum Likelihood to fit distributions such as the gamma, log-logistic, log-normal and log-normal log-normal mixture. Multiple distributions can be averaged using Akaike Information Criteria. Confidence intervals on hazard concentrations and proportions are produced by parametric bootstrapping.
Last updated 12 days ago
8.03 score 4 dependents 113 scripts 506 downloadsypr - Yield Per Recruit
An implementation of equilibrium-based yield per recruit methods. Yield per recruit methods can used to estimate the optimal yield for a fish population as described by Walters and Martell (2004) <isbn:0-691-11544-3>. The yield can be based on the number of fish caught (or harvested) or biomass caught for all fish or just large (trophy) individuals.
Last updated 2 days ago
7.69 score 7 stars 1 dependents 55 scripts 198 downloadsyesno - Ask Yes-No Questions
Asks Yes-No questions with variable or custom responses.
Last updated 14 days ago
7.65 score 9 stars 25 dependents 14 scripts 1.3k downloadsmcmcr - Manipulate MCMC Samples
Functions and classes to store, manipulate and summarise Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) samples. For more information see Brooks et al. (2011) <isbn:978-1-4200-7941-8>.
Last updated 3 months ago
7.34 score 17 stars 10 dependents 107 scripts 301 downloadsterm - Create, Manipulate and Query Parameter Terms
Creates, manipulates, queries and repairs vectors of parameter terms. Parameter terms are the labels used to reference values in vectors, matrices and arrays. They represent the names in coefficient tables and the column names in 'mcmc' and 'mcmc.list' objects.
Last updated 13 days ago
7.05 score 10 stars 13 dependents 16 scripts 394 downloadsnlist - Lists of Numeric Atomic Objects
Create and manipulate numeric list ('nlist') objects. An 'nlist' is an S3 list of uniquely named numeric objects. An numeric object is an integer or double vector, matrix or array. An 'nlists' object is a S3 class list of 'nlist' objects with the same names, dimensionalities and typeofs. Numeric list objects are of interest because they are the raw data inputs for analytic engines such as 'JAGS', 'STAN' and 'TMB'. Numeric lists objects, which are useful for storing multiple realizations of of simulated data sets, can be converted to coda::mcmc and coda::mcmc.list objects.
Last updated 2 months ago
7.05 score 6 stars 12 dependents 13 scripts 915 downloadscheckr - Check the Properties of Common R Objects
Expressive, assertive, pipe-friendly functions to check the properties of common R objects. In the case of failure the functions issue informative error messages. Superseded by the 'chk' package.
Last updated 2 months ago
7.00 score 13 stars 1 dependents 258 scripts 76 downloadsreadwritesqlite - Enhanced Reading and Writing for 'SQLite' Databases
Reads and writes data frames to 'SQLite' databases while preserving time zones (for POSIXct columns), projections (for 'sfc' columns), units (for 'units' columns), levels (for factors and ordered factors) and classes for logical, Date and 'hms' columns. It also logs changes to tables and provides more informative error messages.
Last updated 13 days ago
6.88 score 38 stars 11 scripts 241 downloadstidyplus - Additional 'tidyverse' Functions
Provides functions such as str_crush(), add_missing_column(), coalesce_data() and drop_na_all() that complement 'tidyverse' functionality or functions that provide alternative behaviors such as if_else2() and str_detect2().
Last updated 20 days ago
6.08 score 9 stars 3 dependents 1 scripts 214 downloadsdttr2 - Manipulate Date, POSIXct and hms Vectors
Manipulates date ('Date'), date time ('POSIXct') and time ('hms') vectors. Date/times are considered discrete and are floored whenever encountered. Times are wrapped and time zones are maintained unless explicitly altered by the user.
Last updated 14 days ago
6.05 score 10 stars 3 dependents 5 scripts 430 downloadsdbflobr - Read and Write Files to SQLite Databases
Reads and writes files to SQLite databases <> as flobs (a flob is a blob that preserves the file extension).
Last updated 11 days ago
5.73 score 6 stars 4 scripts 216 downloadsuniversals - S3 Generics for Bayesian Analyses
Provides S3 generic methods and some default implementations for Bayesian analyses that generate Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samples. The purpose of 'universals' is to reduce package dependencies and conflicts. The 'nlist' package implements many of the methods for its 'nlist' class.
Last updated 2 months ago
5.66 score 4 stars 19 dependents 1 scripts 959 downloadssims - Simulate Data from R or 'JAGS' Code
Generates data from R or 'JAGS' code for use in simulation studies. The data are returned as an 'nlist::nlists' object and/or saved to file as individual '.rds' files. Parallelization is implemented using the 'future' package. Progress is reported using the 'progressr' package.
Last updated 2 months ago
5.30 score 6 scripts 135 downloadsmcmcderive - Derive MCMC Parameters
Generates derived parameter(s) from Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) samples using R code. This allows Bayesian models to be fitted without the inclusion of derived parameters which add unnecessary clutter and slow model fitting. For more information on MCMC samples see Brooks et al. (2011) <isbn:978-1-4200-7941-8>.
Last updated 2 months ago
5.28 score 8 dependents 5 scripts 182 downloadsklippy - Copy to Clipboard Buttons for R Markdown HTML Documents
Insert copy to clipboard buttons in HTML documents generated with 'rmarkdown'. This package is suited for a call in a 'knitr' chunk. Buttons events are rendered using 'clipboard.js' library and 'Bootstrap.js' Tooltip plugin.
Last updated 5 years ago
5.26 score 56 stars 65 scriptshmstimer - 'hms' Based Timer
Tracks elapsed clock time using a `hms::hms()` scalar. It was was originally developed to time Bayesian model runs. It should not be used to estimate how long extremely fast code takes to execute as the package code adds a small time cost.
Last updated 10 days ago
5.26 score 2 stars 1 dependents 4 scripts 216 downloadsfwapgr - Client for BC Freshwater Atlas fwapg API
Client for fwapg, a PostgreSQL database and web API for BC Freshwater Atlas data.
Last updated 2 months ago
5.26 score 8 stars 1 dependents 5 scriptsbbouretro - Traditional Survival, Recruitment and Population Growth Methods
Estimates annual survival, recruitment and population growth using the traditional methods. This package is part of the bbou suite of tools.
Last updated 4 months ago
5.22 score 1 dependents 3 scriptstinter - Generate a Monochromatic Palette
Generate a palette of tints, shades or both from a single colour.
Last updated 4 years ago
5.17 score 51 stars 29 scripts 192 downloadsflobr - Convert Files to and from Binary Objects (BLOBs)
Converts files to and from flobs. A flob is a file that was read into binary in integer-mode as little endian, saved as the single element of a named list (where the name is the name of the original file) and then serialized before being coerced into a blob. Flobs are useful for writing and reading files to and from databases.
Last updated 2 months ago
5.12 score 10 stars 1 dependents 11 scripts 266 downloadstimer - R6 Timer
A simple timer as an R6 class. The timer has four functions: start(), stop(), reset() and elapsed(). The elapsed() function returns the elapsed wall clock time (as opposed to CPU time) as an object of class lubridate::Duration.
Last updated 14 days ago
5.11 score 3 dependents 96 scriptsbboutools - Boreal Caribou Survival, Recruitment and Population Growth
Estimates annual survival, recruitment and population growth for boreal caribou populations using Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood models with fixed and random effects.
Last updated 2 months ago
5.10 score 1 stars 2 dependents 14 scriptscodegrip - Syntax-Based Editing and Navigation of R Code
Provides addins for reshaping R code and navigating across syntactic constructs.
Last updated 3 months ago
5.10 score 209 stars 2 scriptsnewdata - Generate New Data Frames for Prediction
Generates new data frames for predictive purposes. By default, all specified variables vary across their range while all other variables are held constant at the default reference value. Types, classes, factor levels and time zones are always preserved. The user can specify the length of each sequence, require that only observed values and combinations are used and add new variables.
Last updated 11 days ago
4.92 score 2 stars 7 dependents 12 scriptsjmbr - Analyses Using JAGS
Facilitates analyses using 'Just Another Gibbs Sampler'.
Last updated 1 days ago
4.89 score 3 stars 7 scriptsbbousims - Simulate Boreal Caribou Survival, Recruitment and Population Growth
Simulates survival and recruitment data for boreal caribou populations using hierarchical Bayesian models.
Last updated 23 days ago
4.89 score 1 dependents 6 scriptswqbench - Calculate Aquatic Life Benchmarks
Download recent versions of the US EPA ECOTOX database. Clean, standardize and classify data so values are comparable. Use a SSD or deterministic method to determine the critical toxicity value and assessment factors to compute the aquatic life water quality benchmark for a compound.
Last updated 22 days ago
4.78 score 1 dependents 5 scriptsembr - Model Builder Utility Functions and Virtual Classes
Utility functions and virtual classes shared by model builder packages such as tmbr, jmbr and smbr.
Last updated 1 days ago
4.53 score 3 stars 3 dependents 4 scriptserr - Customizable Object Sensitive Messages
Messages should provide users with readable information about R objects without flooding their console. 'cc()' concatenates vector and data frame values into a grammatically correct string using commas, an ellipsis and conjunction. 'cn()' allows the user to define a string which varies based on a count. 'co()' combines the two to produce a customizable object aware string. The package further facilitates this process by providing five 'sprintf'-like types such as '%n' for the length of an object and '%o' for its name as well as wrappers for pasting objects and issuing errors, warnings and messages.
Last updated 2 months ago
4.49 score 7 stars 2 dependents 49 scripts 31 downloadsfishbc - Fishes of British Columbia
Provides raw and curated data on the codes, classification and conservation status of freshwater fishes in British Columbia. Marine fishes will be added in a future release.
Last updated 12 days ago
4.40 score 5 stars 2 scripts 139 downloadsbatchr - Batch Process Files
Processes multiple files with a user-supplied function. The key design principle is that only files which were last modified before the directory was configured are processed. A hidden file stores the configuration time and function etc while successfully processed files are automatically touched to update their modification date. As a result batch processing can be stopped and restarted and any files created (or modified or deleted) during processing are ignored.
Last updated 2 months ago
4.38 score 6 stars 8 scripts 20 downloadswqbc - Tidy Water Quality Data and Calculate Thresholds for British Columbia
Tidies water quality data and calculates water quality thresholds for British Columbia.
Last updated 2 years ago
4.18 score 34 scriptsshinyypr - Run ypr Shiny App
A user interface to the 'ypr' R package. 'Ypr' implements equilibrium-based yield per recruit methods for estimating the optimal yield for a fish population.
Last updated 2 months ago
4.08 score 3 stars 3 scripts 18 downloadsfwatlasbc - Freshwater Atlas British Columbia
What the package does (one paragraph).
Last updated 2 months ago
3.98 score 9 stars 4 scriptsshinyssdtools - ssdtools Shiny App
Shiny application for fitting species sensitivity distributions using ssdtools.
Last updated 2 days ago
3.75 score 10 scriptsbboudata - Data for bbou Project
This package contains boreal caribou demographic data which can be used as validation for the associated shiny-app and analysis. The overall goal of the bbou packages is to develop a more standardized and consistent method for the comparison of boreal caribou survival rates, recruitment and population dynamics across Canada.
Last updated 8 months ago
3.43 score 3 dependents 8 scriptsssdtests - Tests for ssdtools
Tests for ssdtools package.
Last updated 3 months ago
3.30 score 2 scriptsgsdd - Calculate Growing Season Degree Days from Water Temperature Data
Calculates Growing Season Degree Days (GSDD), Growing Degree Days (GDD) and the Growing Seasons (GSS) from water temperature data. GSSD is a water temperature metric that is a useful predictor of age-0 trout size at the beginning of winter. It is the accumulated thermal units (in C) during the growing season based on the mean daily water temperature values. GDD is the GSSD to a particular date.
Last updated 2 months ago
3.30 score 2 stars 5 scriptsmcmcdata - Manipulate MCMC Samples and Data Frames
Manipulates Monte Carlo Markov Chain samples and associated data frames.
Last updated 2 months ago
3.26 score 1 stars 4 dependents 4 scriptspgfeatureserv - Client for pg_featureserv RESTful web service
Client for pg_featureserv, a RESTful geospatial feature server for PostGIS.
Last updated 2 months ago
3.26 score 1 stars 2 dependents 2 scriptsbbousuite - Easily Install and Load `bbou` (Boreal cariBOU) Packages
The `bbou` suite of packages are designed to allow analysis (`bbouretro` and `bboutools`) and simulation (`bbousims`) of Boreal Caribou survival and recruitment data ('bboudata') to estimate population growth rates. A shiny app is also available (`bboushiny`).
Last updated 23 days ago
3.20 score 4 scriptskootlake - Kootenay Lake Data
Annual Rainbow Trout, Bull Trout and Kokanee datasets for Kootenay Lake.
Last updated 2 years ago
3.18 score 4 scriptsklexdatr - Kootenay Lake Exploitation Study Data
Six relational 'tibbles' from the Kootenay Lake Large Trout Exploitation study. The study which ran from 2008 to 2014 caught, tagged and released large Rainbow Trout and Bull Trout in Kootenay Lake by boat angling. The fish were tagged with internal acoustic tags and/or high reward external tags and subsequently detected by an acoustic receiver array as well as reported by anglers. The data are analysed by Thorley and Andrusak (1994) <doi:10.7717/peerj.2874> to estimate the natural and fishing mortality of both species.
Last updated 2 years ago
3.18 score 7 scripts 129 downloadsrtide - Tide Heights
Calculates tide heights based on tide station harmonics. It includes the harmonics data for 637 US stations. The harmonics data was converted from <>, NOAA web site data processed by David Flater for 'XTide'. The code to calculate tide heights from the harmonics is based on 'XTide'.
Last updated 4 months ago
3.11 score 32 scripts 301 downloadssmbr - Facilitates Bayesian Analysis using STAN
Facilitates analyses using STAN.
Last updated 2 months ago
3.10 score 1 stars 4 scriptsssddata - Species Sensitivity Distribution Data
Reference data sets of species sensitivities to compare the results of fitting species sensitivity distributions using software such as 'ssdtools' and 'Burrlioz'. It consists of 17 primary data sets from four different Australian and Canadian organizations as well as five datasets from anonymous sources. It also includes a data set of the results of fitting various distributions using different software.
Last updated 3 months ago
2.99 score 1 stars 5 dependents 13 scripts 681 downloadsbboushiny - Shiny App for Analysing Boreal Caribou Surival, Recruitment and Lambda
Use Bayesian methods to calculate survival, recruitment and lambda as well as confidence intervals.
Last updated 2 months ago
2.95 score 1 dependents 3 scriptsshinywqbench - R Shiny App to Calculates Aquatic Life Benchmarks
This package is the user interface to the wqbench R package and allows users to easily access standardized ecotoxicology data for thousands of chemicals. Either a SSD or deterministic method is used to determine the critical toxicity value and assessment factors to compute the aquatic life water quality benchmark for a compound.
Last updated 2 days ago
2.88 score 2 scriptsshinywqg - Water Quality Guideline Shiny App
User interface to calculate water quality guidelines.
Last updated 22 days ago
2.70 score 1 scriptstmbr - Analyses Using TMB
Facilitates analyses using 'Template Model Builder'.
Last updated 2 months ago
2.60 score 4 scriptspoispalette - Poisson Palettes
An R package for Poisson Consulting colour palettes.
Last updated 2 months ago
2.30 score 3 scriptsrpdo - Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index Data
Monthly Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index values from January 1900 to September 2018. Superseded by 'rsoi' package which includes the historical and most recent monthly PDO index values together with related climate indices.
Last updated 1 years ago
2.11 score 1 stars 13 scripts 136 downloadsbauw - Data from Bayesian Population Analysis using Winbugs
What the package does (one paragraph).
Last updated 4 months ago
2.00 score 2 scriptscurtisquadata - Curtis and Qua Creeks Productivity Study Data
Fifteen relational tibbles from the Curtis and Qua Creeks Productivity study. The study which ran from 2015 to 2017 collected data on the water quality and temperature, periphyton, benthic invertebrates and fish populations of Curtis and Qua Creeks in the Salmo Watershed, British Columbia.
Last updated 3 years ago
2.00 score 2 scriptswqbenchdata - Water Quality Benchmark Testing Data
Reference data from the ecotox database used for examples and testing in the wqbench package.
Last updated 2 days ago
1.70 score 3 scripts