Updating the Add Data Template
This will rarely need to be done as additions / removals to
ecological groups and trophic groups are uncommon
Associated Reference Data
The instructions in the upload data template need to be updated when
changes to the reference data sheets occur. When the following files are
updated according to the Developer
Instructions, those changes may trigger necessary updates
to the Add Data templates and instrutions:
- trophic-groups.csv
- Update trophic_group and
ecological_group column instructions if new groups are
added or groups are removed.
- ie if
is removed as a trophic group or
is removed as an ecological group.
- Since the groups (Plant, Bacteria, Amphibian, etc) have been written
into the instruction tab this is why updates to the instructions are
needed if new categories are added.
- The validation of the values is done from the
trophic-groups.csv which means it is possible for the
instructions to get out of sync with the allowed values.
- Adding new species to the trophic-groups.csv does not
trigger a change to the instructions.
- lifestage-codes.csv
- Update simple_lifestage column instructions if new
simple life stages categories are added or removed.
- ie if
is removed as a simple life stage.
- The validation is done off the lifestage-codes.csv which
means it is possible for the instructions to get out of sync with the
allowed values.
- concentration-endpoints.csv
- Update endpoint column instructions if endpoints
are added or removed.
- The list of endpoints are generated by the script
- The validation is done off of the
concentration-endpoints.csv so it is possible for the
instructions to get out of sync with the allowed values.
To update the template
- Make any required changes to the trophic groups, life stage codes or
concentration endpoints reference data.
- Edit the inst/template/template-data-data.csv and
inst/template/template-data-instructions.csv files.
- Do not edit the file inst/template/template-data.xlsx.
- To regenerate the template run the script
- Review the inst/template/template-data.xlsx to confirm the
edits came through and the template looks as expected.
- Do not edit the file inst/template/template-data.xlsx.
Push and install the pacakge
Finally, after all of the all of the updates are completed, push them
to GitHub. Install the updated package with